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Cleaning & Organizing

Keeping a Clean Home When You’re NOT Feeling It

Jan 23, 2023

Most everyone wants a clean home. Some are naturally gifted with the ability to clean and keep it clean AND tidy at all times. That was once me. But, alas, I have kids, a husband, and a dog. And…life. I’m a clean person and do not like messes.

However, if you came into my house right this minute you would call me a liar. There is a big box with an unopened and unassembled bicycle my son received for Christmas sitting in the dining room. Our kitchen counters (first thing you see when you walk in) are long and the disadvantage to this is they serve as a catch-all. There seems to always be something, if not everything, on them. Mail, stuff we dump when we don’t feel like putting it away, things that need go in the garage. You name it. I think you get the picture. We all fall into this trap at some point, if not often. {Raises hand} But let’s dive in to see how we can avoid this or at least alleviate it on a regular basis.

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Tidying vs. Cleaning

Let’s clear this up. Cleaning is not the same as tidying, or putting things away. Cleaning is the act of using tools and supplies to clean something that is dirty or to prevent it from becoming dirty. A toilet, the floors, a sink, etc. Tidying is putting things in their place and clearing the clutter. Often people are tidy but not clean or clean but not tidy. Or some lean more toward one than the other. I tend to fall in the “I’m clean but not always tidy” category. I think usually when people aren’t tidy it is because once you let it get to the point of several rooms needing to be tidied, it seems overwhelming. So we procrastinate. Eh, hem—I procrastinate. Is this you? Oh good! I’m not alone!

So, how do we overcome this? First, the number one reason most people can’t keep a tidy house is often because…this may sting…they have too much stuff. Yes, I said it. Present company included. Listen, it is easy to fall into this category. Trust me. I think a good starting point is decluttering your home. Every room.

I know what you’re saying: Tracy! Talk about overwhelming!! But hear me out. Start with one room or even just one drawer, cabinet or small area. A junk drawer, for instance. If you start small it will snowball because you will see the change it makes and the satisfaction it brings. Not to mention the ability to find things when you need them and not always say, “where did I put that fill in the blank.” It will spur you to want to do it again to all the other parts of your home. This doesn’t need to be all at once. If it takes you 6 months, it takes you 6 months. At least you are moving in the right direction!

After decluttering the easiest way to keep a room or any area tidy (cabinet, drawer or closet) is to always, and I mean always, put an item away where it belongs when you are done with it. The saying to tell yourself is: Don’t put it down, put it away. It literally takes 20 seconds or less. Just go put that mail in your trash, file cabinet, or on your desk (wherever it belongs). Don’t let it sit on your counter. (I’m talking to myself here, btw!!) Ask your kids to take their backpacks to their room (mudroom, hook by the door, wherever they reside) after walking in from school. Decluttering and tidying is a muscle. It must be trained to be used often. Ask your spouse to put their dirty clothes in the hamper when they get undressed. Wash your dishes right after eating and put them in the dishwasher or hand wash (whichever you do in your home).

The saying to tell yourself is: Don’t put it down, put it away.


Invest in baskets and organizing bins for cabinets, drawers and your pantry. It helps group things neatly and keep them in place. It looks nicer and it creates a home for everything. Everything must have a home. And your household should be on the same page and know where an item resides. See the pattern? You, eh hem…WE can do this!


Cleaning is something that sometimes is harder than tidying for some. Because it usually takes longer and actually takes some work, it is often put off. If this is you, set a calendar. If you live with other people, ask your spouse and/or kids to help. Assign jobs to each person. Weekends are often our cleaning days because we are free. It is easy for everyone to get on board. My husband does the vacuuming, I do the scrubbing. Sometimes we switch.

Great cleaning products and supplies are also vital to helping. A good vacuum is my number one suggestion. I have gone through numerous vacuums over my adult life, and I have reviewed and researched several over the last few months. We currently have the Shark Navigator and I really like it. I wouldn’t say it’s amazing, but it has been great. I have some top rated and raved about vacuums linked below, mostly cordless ones. I am looking to buy a cordless one because of the ease of use and convenience.

Having great supplies is also important, as it can make your life easier. I recently started using Originally Yellow cleaning spray and hand soap and we love it! It smells amazing and is plant-based, which is great if you aren’t in to using chemicals. That being said, I do use conventional products too. 😉 Sometimes they just get the job done well. Speaking of, I couldn’t live without Clorox Wipes. You can use these to clean ANY surface. They disinfect and clean easily and quickly. Especially kitchen countertops! Another cleaner I swear by and have used for YEARS, actually my mom used this even when I was a kid, is Sprayway Glass Cleaner. It foams instead of drips and is legitimately streak-free! Not to mention it is $2.48!!!! To clean my sinks, showers and sometimes my toilets with hard rings I always reach for Bar Keeper’s Friend. It is my Holy Grail of abrasive cleansers. Speaking of Holy Grail of cleansers, if you need a carpet or upholstery cleaner this is THE ONE. I learned about from another IG user. Folex. You have to add this to your supply list!

Let’s talk about cleaning tools such as mops. Mops are a heated issue among many. 😂 Some think they are gross, some swear by them and others mop by hand. Whichever camp you are in, the mop that I use currently and have for a while is the Bona Mop. It has a microfiber pad that velcros on so you pull it off and toss it in the wash when done. It has an attachable cleaner cartridge that sprays as you mop so no dipping in dirty water! You replace the cartridge when needed.

I think it goes without saying that Swiffer Sweeper is a must-have for grabbing dust, small debris, and hair when you need a quick once-over or don’t have the time or energy to vacuum. Dust and hair stick to the Swiffer pads like a magnet. I will never be without my Swiffer. Buuuut…if you want to do the lazy Swiffer way, you definitely need some of these mop slippers. Put them on your feet or over your slipper/shoes and just walk around and the dust and hair sticks to these like a Swiffer! Amazing if you find yourself not wanting to pick up the Swiffer and just want to get some steps in.😆

How to find time

Now that you have all the tools and supplies, what about finding time? Since we can’t add time to the clock, let’s learn how to optimize the time we have. If you work full-time then weekends are probably your best friend for cleaning. If not, set aside one night a week for cleaning. If you make it intentional and add it to your calendar, phone, or Alexa with an alert it will be more likely that you will do it. Again, this is a muscle you’ll need to train much like the decluttering and tidying muscle. Once you develop the habit, it will become easier and second nature. As stated above, if you live with other family members, have them help as well. Tackle two birds with one stone. If you can only do 30 minutes of cleaning at a time, then that is ok. Don’t let it stop you because you feel like you can’t clean it all in one day/evening. Break it down into time slots and days that work for you. Clean one room at a time without room hopping. Room hopping? Yes. Starting in one room and then starting in another room before the first one is completed. Try to stick to one area or one room. This will help your focus and help you get it done quicker.

If you work from home or don’t work outside the home, set a day or days that work for you. I work from home, so my schedule is very flexible. I have outlined days to do certain tasks. Mondays are laundry days. Every day I try to pick up and tidy things that the kids left out before they went to school or from the night before if it wasn’t in me to do it then. I do find that tidying before bed each night makes cleaning and tidying anytime much easier. If you can keep it tidy most of the time, it will stay tidy.

I’d love to hear your tips and tricks to keeping your home tidy and clean! 🧹


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