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How to decorate with lamps

Sep 13, 2023

Oftentimes when we think of lighting our homes we think of built-in overhead lights, can lights, ceiling fan lights or any lights that are typically in a room. But lamps are a way to not only add ambience, but make intimate spaces—especially small or tight spaces—feel cozy and inviting.

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(giraffe lamp above)

Benefits of lamps

Lamps have come a long way since granny’s lamp from the 70s that sat on the table next to her favorite chair. Lamps are available in countless styles and finishes, making it easy to find something that suits your individual look. From floor lamps to smaller desk lamps, lamp lighting is a versatile choice that will work with any interior decorating style.

Lamps are a fantastic lighting solution because they are essentially a piece of furniture that can be moved around the house; giving you a lot more freedom to experiment with your lighting scheme.

How to use lamps

There are two types of lighting: task and ambient – and lamps are great for both.

Task lighting

Task lighting provides increased light for specific tasks in a room that may already have some ambient light. Task lighting is especially useful for seeing small objects or objects of low contrast, such as when you are reading.

Experimenting with ambient lighting using lamps can be fun and allows you to create an inviting and relaxing feeling at home.

If you think about a large open room such as a living room or family room, a grid of overhead lights illuminate everything with the same level of intensity, giving you a glaring effect that feels very flat, not to mention can be harsh and sometimes too bright for a good atmosphere.

On the other hand, lamps dotted around a room will create small pools of warm light, which is always more flattering and suitable for winding down at the end of the day.

Styling lamps

Apart from lighting your home, you can use lamps as decor.

Look for on-trend finishes such as brushed gold, ceramic or lucite to give your interiors an on-trend style update.

Lamps can also be a statement piece. Our overarching floor lamp in the back of our living room creates drama and flair to an otherwise mundane seating area.

Also, using picture lights above artwork or at the top of a bookcase highlights your favorite art pieces or a beautiful piece of furniture and/or books for a very elevated library feel.

Subtlety usually is best, and the rule of thumb is to stick to 3 lighting sources per room as a layering tool.

Lamps in unexpected places

Gone are the days where lamps were meant for end tables. Now that lamps are made in so many sizes and shapes, adding a small lamp on a bathroom counter can add a touch of elegance. It can be used when you need a bit of light at night but don’t want the overhead bright light. Or for ambience while taking a bath. Adding a small lamp on your kitchen counter, the same design rules and functions apply.

Where else can you add a lamp or two or three in your home?

Shop fave lamps

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