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Meat & Potatoes – Comfort Meal

Apr 4, 2023

We all have one. A meal that is easy, quick and is labeled as “comfort food”. Ours is this beef with potatoes and gravy with veggies or a salad. That’s it. I had to create a recipe for it because I made it up after having it at a family friend’s house a couple of years ago. The woman that made it passed suddenly not too long after that so I never had a chance to ask her for a recipe. I figured it was easy enough so I created my own version and when I tell my kids it is what is for dinner they always let out a “yes”! With a fist pump.

I would tell you that ground turkey can work as well as ground beef for this dish, but I truly think the beef is what makes it. So enter at your own risk if you do not eat much red meat. 😉

Really, all there is to it is to sauté onions and garlic then crumble in your beef. After some has browned, add in a teaspoon of garlic powder and onion powder with salt and pepper to taste.

While it is finishing browning, peel your potatoes (russet work best) and cut them into small cubes to boil them for mashing. After your meat is browned transfer it to a plate and leave as much of the fat and drippings in the pan as possible. You will make your gravy from this.

For the gravy, it is a mix and pour to desired consistency type situation. Use milk, a little beef broth and flour. First, turn down the heat to the drippings and fat to low. Sprinkle in a few tablespoons of flour and cook into a roux. To do this, stir the fat and flour constantly with a wooden spoon in a figure-eight motion for even cooking. In 3 to 5 minutes, you’ll have a roux that should puff slightly. Now start slowly adding milk and using a whisk to keep clumps at bay. If it is still a bit thick, add a little bit of broth. Maybe a 1/4 cup. You’ll want more milk than broth for that creamy flavor. Mix the two ingredients to desired consistency and add salt and pepper to taste.

Now is time to mash those potatoes and add some milk and 1/2 stick of butter. Plate the potatoes and create a little bowl in the center of the potatoes. Put the meat inside. Cover with desired amount of gravy. That’s it! Serve with a salad or veggies of choice!


Serves 4

2 lbs ground beef

1 onion (yellow or red)

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp onion powder

4 russet potatoes

Flour, Milk & broth to taste


  1. Sauté onions and garlic then crumble in your beef. After some has browned, add in garlic powder and onion powder with salt and pepper to taste.
  2. While it is finishing browning, peel your potatoes (russet work best) and cut them into small cubes to boil them for mashing.
  3. After your meat is browned transfer it to a plate and leave as much of the fat and drippings in the pan as possible. You will make your gravy from this.
  4. For the gravy, it is a mix and pour to desired consistency type situation. Use milk, a little beef broth and flour.
  5. First, turn down the heat to the drippings and fat to low. Sprinkle in a few tablespoons of flour and cook into a roux. To do this, stir the fat and flour constantly with a wooden spoon in a figure-eight motion for even cooking.
  6. In 3 to 5 minutes, you’ll have a roux that should puff slightly.
  7. Now start slowly adding milk and using a whisk to keep clumps at bay. If it is still a bit thick, add a little bit of broth. Maybe a 1/4 cup. You’ll want more milk than broth for that creamy flavor. Mix the two ingredients to desired consistency and add salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Now is time to mash those potatoes and add some milk and 1/2 stick of butter.
  9. Plate the potatoes and create a little bowl in the center of the potatoes.
  10. Put the meat inside.
  11. Cover with desired amount of gravy.

That’s it! Serve with a salad or veggies of choice!

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