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Best Party Crackers Snack

Jun 9, 2023

With the 4th of July approaching, I thought a great snack recipe that everyone can enjoy was in order. My sister-in-law introduced me to these amazingly simple to make crackers. You can make them with a kick (crushed red pepper flakes) or without.


• Saltine crackers

• Olive oil

• Ranch seasoning packet

• Crushed red pepper flakes(optional)

• Gallon size ziploc bag

This recipe is so easy your kids can make it! Take 4 sleeves of saltines and put them in a large mixing bowl. Add all the ingredients and mix and toss (carefully as to not break the crackers) well. You can also skip this step and just mix it all in the bag, but I found that it coats them all better if you do the bowl first. Transfer all to a gallon ziploc bag and scrape all the ingredients, oil, etc. from the bowl into the bag too. Shake and toss gently to coat all the crackers. Let them sit for 3 hours and enjoy!

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