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New Year’s Day Black Eyed Peas

Jan 1, 2023

I’m a Texan through and through, so having Black Eyed Peas on New Years Day has always been a tradition. When I was little I vividly remember having them at my paternal grandparents’ house because they had a huge garden and grew their own. Boy were they good! So if you grow your own I’m sure this recipe will be even better, but for this I’m using dried black eyed peas. And no soaking required!

Have you ever wondered where the tradition of black eyed peas bringing good luck on NYD came from? Well, you’re in luck {see what I did there! ;)} because I’ve done some research and I’m about to tell you!

Many Americans, especially in the South, eat the holy trinity of lucky foods — black-eyed peas, greens and cornbread — on New Year’s Day. Tradition holds the peas represent coins, the greens dollars and the cornbread gold.  Folklore links black-eyed peas to the 1863 siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, in the American Civil War. Vicksburg was the last major Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River. Union forces taking Vicksburg could slice the Confederacy in half and control the Mississippi River. Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas would be cut off from supplies and from Confederate forces.

With the Vicksburg siege coming, many civilians were warned to leave but stubbornly stayed. Union forces surrounded Vicksburg. Union forces needing food plundered Vicksburg’s fields. The soldiers overlooked whole fields of black-eyed peas because they were considered cattle feed. That oversight became critical to the survival of soldiers and civilians under siege. Black-eyed peas are “lucky” because they likely saved the lives of thousands of soldiers and civilians during the siege. And they’re delicious! That’s how they became a New Year’s Day tradition associated with luck!

So now that we had our history lesson, let’s get to the good stuff!

Equipment Needed:


  • 1 lb. dried black-eyed peas
  • 7 cups chicken broth (water for vegan/vegetarian)
  • 14 oz. can petite diced tomatoes
  • 6 slices bacon cooked and sliced (omit for vegan/vegetarian)
  • 1 cup diced ham (omit for vegan/vegetarian)
  • 1/2 cup diced sweet onion
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • 1 tsp. oregano
  • 1/4 tsp. pepper
  • about 1/4 tsp. salt add to taste at the END of cooking time


  • Add the dried peas to the slow cooker. NO NEED TO PRESOAK. 
  • Add the chicken broth (or water), can of diced tomatoes, bacon, ham, onion, garlic, oregano and pepper. Stir. WAIT TO ADD THE SALT.
  • Cover and cook on HIGH FOR 7 hours. Do not open the lid during the cooking time.
  • Add the salt to taste.
  • For creamier beans remove 1 cup of the beans and mash. Add back to the slow cooker and stir.

We love cornbread with our black eyed peas, but you can eat it with collard greens, rice, rolls and ham. When I’m extra lazy and don’t want to do cornbread from scratch I just use the 69¢ box of Jiffy Corn muffin mix. It is seriously yummy and super quick and easy.

Do you eat black eyed peas on New Years Day? I hope they make you feel lucky. If you’ve never tried them or had this tradition, it is a fun and yummy way to start the new year! 😉

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