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DIY Rooms

ORC Week 3 & 4: Bold Guest Bath Makeover

Dec 8, 2022

Here we are in week 4 of the challenge. I didn’t do anything in week 3 since I had out-of-town company who was using the bathroom. That is why I am combining those weeks in this post.

Week 4 and I am moving at a snail’s pace. I need to finish the board and batten and it won’t take long, I just need to do it. I have already painted the walls and I need to place the boards on top of it then paint the boards and caulk them. I did the opposite the first time around by putting all the boards on then painting the walls. I think this will be easier. I have the small baseboard next to the vanity to remove to replace with the new one too. It has some little crevices and places I have to cut around so I’m procrastinating on that. 

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So this week all I have really done is hang more wallpaper. I covered the bulkhead above the tub/shower and put the curtain rod hangers back on. I have a curtain that I hang in front of the shower to add a bit of a touch of elegance to it and elevate the look a bit from a typical shower curtain. After I do the board and batten I plan on doing a major transformation to the tile and bathtub. Are you ready for it? I mean, it is something I have never done before so wish me luck and stay tuned to see what it is! No new tile, no demo. Any guesses? You’ll have to follow along to see what it will be!

In case you missed it, I did upgrade the light switch! Instead of keeping the tan, dated cover and switches, I used Fusion Mineral Paint’s Ultra Grip (super bonding for slick surfaces) then painted it with my Fusion Mineral Paint that I used to paint the wall. Now it blends seamlessly! See what a difference it makes?

While joining the corner from the wall to the bulkhead of my wallpaper, I had a little cutting mistake. I want you to know because all DIYs contain mistakes or they aren’t real DIYs. Am I right? But guess what? I didn’t fix it because it is up high and from the floor you can’t even tell. Come back next week to see my progress!! We are in the home stretch with 4 weeks to go!

Links to all sources

  1. Vanity light | 2. Mirror | 3. Wallpaper | 4. Navy paint | 5. Counter & Tile paint | 6. Faucet | 7. Vinyl Tile | 8. Runner | 9. Floral rug | 10. Turkish towels | 11. Grout Pen | 12. Frame | 13. Lady Print | 14. Trash can
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