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Reasons why you don’t love your home

Apr 18, 2023

When we bought our first home in 2005 we knew it was a fixer upper. We bought it with the intent to fix it up and sell it and move to a bigger one in a few years. Well, we lived in that home for 14 years. FOURTEEN. Did we fix it up? A little. We had some financial and career curveballs and the rest is history. Life happens. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want a super cute home and nice things. Pinterest and social media is a nasty wolf in sheep’s clothing, am I right?

But being broke or not having a creative bone in our body shouldn’t stop you from creating a home you love. Let’s dive in to a few of the reasons why people don’t love their homes and how we can remedy them.

You’re broke

Times are financially tough right now. I get it. Even people with a decent income are finding ways to stretch their dollar in every way possible. With Cheerios at $6.50 a box, trust me when I say we all are finding ways to be frugal with what we have.

One easy and very inexpensive way to start is by adding color. This is an almost sure fire way to add dimension, personality and fun to any room or space. Whether it is paint or a pillow, find a color that resonates with you and your personality and personal style. If paint is out of your budget there is always a section at the hardware/paint stores that keep returned or “mess up” gallons and quarts of paint for super cheap. It could be a color you love!

Another great way to really add your own personal style and personality is art! You all know if you’ve been here long that I am a HUGE art fan, and I own a lot of vintage, original and found art in my home. Did you know you can download free art and have it printed?? Yep, the National Gallery of Art has a database where you can download their art. You can also search for public domain art and download from there. An artwork falls in to the public domain 70 years after the death of the artist. That’s the general rule anyway, see this DACS factsheet for a list of exceptions. You can print from Mpix, Costco, or CVS photo or on your own printer!!

You have too much stuff

I know, no one wants to hear this one but most of us in this predicament know it’s true. Step back and assess your home. Is there too much furniture in your living room? Are there rooms with stuff piled up—not from lack of picking up or cleaning, but because there is nowhere else to put it? Do you have a hard time tidying up because it always seems you have stuff everywhere all the time? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you probably need to declutter and clean out. This is another way to make a little side money too! Have a yard sale, list on FB Marketplace or sell to friends that might need it. Otherwise you can donate to Salvation Army or a local charitable organization.

Once you clear the clutter, reasses your room layout and where things go. Everything needs a home. Blankets, remote controls, kid’s toys, electronic cords, etc. Using baskets or bins is great for this.

You are trying to keep up with the Joneses

Can we all agree we need to just stop the comparison game? I know the internet and social media makes this a difficult task for many. All these homes look immaculate and curated beyond belief. But if it is a home that people actually live in, I can assure you it isn’t always immaculate. And I can also assure you the majority of beautiful homes that look like they spent a small fortune on an interior designer to decorate were done by people like you and me. They learned their personal style, honed in on it, and made it happen. Whether it was collecting art from FBMP, estate sales or family or painting that dresser themselves. One of my goals is help you gain the confidence and skills to do this in your own home. Follow me on IG for all the tips!

You don’t know where to start

We have all suffered from this obstacle before. Whether we are a professional interior designer or a mom. We step into the room we want to update or add to and we go blank. What do I do first? Where do I begin? First, get out some good old fashioned pencil and paper and write down your goals for the space and your wants and needs. Does it need to be functional for kids to play and do homework? Does it need to accommodate guests or visitors? Do you want it to be cozy and warm or clean, crisp and streamlined? A good starting place is Pinterest. You can build a board with inspiration pics and rooms that have elements that speak to you and that create a sense of home for you.

Start with baby steps. Vacuum, dust and clean the space really well for your first step. Then, if your space allows, pull that furniture away from the walls! Just because a sofa is in the floor and not against a wall does not mean it makes the space smaller. That is a mental block we need to get past. It creates a traffic flow. Arrange furniture with the flow of traffic. Create conversation areas with sofas, chairs and coffee tables. In bedrooms put a bench at the end of your bed. Use nightstands and lamps.

I could write 10,000 words on how to put together your rooms, but I also share these tips and ideas on IG. 😉

Replace things you hate

If you dislike the busy wallpaper in your hallway, cover it with a gallery wall of family photos. Can’t figure out what to do with an oddly placed shelf the previous owners hung? Place some special knick-knacks there to reclaim it as your own. Have open shelving in your kitchen and wished it were cabinets instead? Decorate them to fit your style and the function of the kitchen. Or, if you are like me (I’m betting I am alone on this one!) and have no kitchen cabinet doors (yes, we don’t have cabinet doors!! 🫣) use baskets to wrangle your kitchen appliances and accessories or hide them behind cookbooks. Get creative with your options and always replace things you dislike with things you love.

Add a plant

Never underestimate the power of plants! A well-placed succulent or fern can bring life (literally) into a dull space. They’re simply beautiful, can camouflage eyesores, and offer an organic design punch. Plus, numerous studies have shown that a bit of greenery can improve your health and well-being. Also, having a plant brings about a good feeling knowing you are nuturing a living thing and keeping it alive!

Now you are set to start loving your home. Let me know in the comments below what you have done to start loving your home.

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